Gentle Drying Machine for Cereals, Flakes, and Legumes

Constitute the flaking process and achieve consistent product quality with Schule’s drying and cooling technology.

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Schule Fluidized Bed Dryer and Cooler

The Schule dryer and cooler is designed for gentle product treatment and constructed completely out of stainless steel to meet food industry requirements. This machine uses oscillating movement and constant flow of hot or cool air to homogenously dry products. It can be adjusted to achieve desired moisture content of your product at any time.

Schule Fluidized Bed Dryer Features

  • Aspiration system
  • Hot air fan
  • Cold air fan
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Oscillating machine movement
  • Three sizes available to suit your operation

Schule Fluidized Bed Dryer Benefits

  • Easy to clean and maintain due to large inspection opening
  • Gentle product treatment
  • Sturdy design
  • 全面的设置选项,适合特定的requirements
  • Energy-efficient design

Material Types

  • Oats
  • Spelt
  • Wheat
  • Barley
  • Rye
  • Buckwheat
  • Rice
  • Rapeseed Shelling
  • Parboiling Plants
  • Hydrothermal Cooking Plants

Let's Talk

We want to help you find the right grain drying system. Reach out to our team to discuss your needs so we can help you discover the right equipment for you.

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