Processing Plant Construction & Improvement Services

Grow your business by building a better, faster, and safer processing or conditioning plant.

What's unique about plant construction?

Building a processing or conditioning plant for seed, grain, food, and animal feed requires a construction team with specialized skills and knowledge. General contractors often lack the agricultural processing and conditioning knowledge to construct a facility that will meet your process flow demands and achieve optimal efficiency and product quality.

Our Consultative Approach to Agricultural Plant Construction

At Bratney we approach your project by first creating a custom design of your facility based on your material types and plant requirements; engineering the most efficient process flow and plant design from cleaning to packaging commodities. Then we get to constructing your facility, installing your equipment, and managing the entire project for you. We utilize new technologies and we’re constantly refining our techniques to build better, faster, and safer plants that will help you achieve your business goals.

What’s included?

  • Construction and Project Management
  • Scope Development
  • Estimating and feasibility analysis
  • Process design & process flow diagrams
  • Conceptual Design
  • General Arrangement Drawings
  • Fabrication Drawings
  • Permitting and Inspection
  • Equipment Procurement and installation
  • Start-Up, Training, and Commissioning
  • Supervision
  • Safety Management
  • As-Built Drawings
  • Assurance of Quality
  • Owner and Operation Manuals
  • Project Closeout and Transfer of Ownership
  • Warranty Period Follow Up
  • Equipment and plant maintenance

Why choose Bratney?

Unlike general contractors, our builders and engineers are experts in agricultural process flow and design. We work with a variety of industries and project sizes – from $50,000 installs to $50,000,000 green-field plants. No matter the size, material type, or project requirements, Bratney is committed to the long-term success, productivity, efficiency, and safety of your plant.

我们提供您的业务竞争优势的构建ing industry-leading facilities and supplying world-class processing, cleaning, milling, and packaging equipment from our exclusive manufacturing partners. Our in-house fabrication team manufactures custom, high-quality plant components including bins, equipment stands, stairs and handrails, and more. Having a skilled fabrication team enables us to stay on top of timelines and have control over quality and customization, giving you confidence in the quality of every sq ft of your facility.

Reach out to our team to talk about your upcoming project.

Turnkey Plant Design, Construction, and Equipment Installation Services

Bratney is your one-stop solution for your next processing plant construction or improvement project. We offer comprehensive support from the process design phase, all the way through the construction of your facility, to providing ongoing support and maintenance.

See Our Work in Action

Contact Us

Interested in learning more about Bratney’s construction and fabrication services? Get in touch with our team by including details about your upcoming projects, service inquiries, or other questions you have in the form below.